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Third person experience


* Soloproject spanning 4 weeks (half speed). 

* Focus on Storytelling, plattforming and combat encounters.  

* Unreal Engine 5 

* Scripting  


 Enemy AI. 

 Gameplay Events. 

 AI spawner. 

 NPC Dialog 


* Marketplace:

Paragon characters

Lowpoly vechiles 

stylised enviroment

blockout tools plugin. 




Story Summary

Humanity was making super human soldiers that were half machine and half human. After they escaped they took over the world with help of their robot army. To have a chance to fight back the human created new super soldiers that go under the name the special force. 


Some years later a general under the name of Caesar started to take more and more territory from the humans. So they send in a super soldier ( The player character) from the special force to take down Caesar and his robot army.



Level Topdown




1.Enter the  Station


3.Introducing the jump mechanic


5. Enter the ruin garden



7. Enter the building


9. Entrance to the bossroom


2.Exit Station


4. Reveal of the ruin garden


6. Reveal of the building enterance


8. Reveal of the pit area


10. The bossroom

Design Techniques

Establishing Goals

Here with help of the buildings I used as framing I created a establishing shot for the skyscraper that is the player´s longterm goal


Through out the level I use buses to tell the player where to jump. 


I wanted to give the player reward for when they explore to find Npcs that can tell the player more about the world. 

The Reveal of the last Area

When they player is starting to get to the last area of the level. I used soft reveal to reveal the skyscraper. 

Combat Encounter

First Combat encounter

For the first combat encounter I used the enemies as a focal point to lead the player over to the roof. 

Ground area combat

The player drops off an high edge, which acts as a point of no return
When the player inter the first combat bubble they will face off against just one encounter. That the player easily can kill and just move on to a bigger combat bubble. Where they will face off against more enemies and new enemy type that is a range enemy will get introduced here as well.  

combat bubble.png
Plattforming combat

For the plattform combat I used 30 second rule. First the player will do plattforming jumping and then they enter in to combat. That I do over and over again but with different varations. 

Boss Combat

The level ends with a boss encounter. The boss encounter is a slow enemy type but hits hard when it gets close to the player. 

Range turrets : in the boss arena the player will also face of against turrets that will rotate and shoot. 

Enemy spawning: The boss encounter summen in melee enemies during the battle.



The Repeating circle

During the playthrough of the level the player will find bodies of peoples that look like you. Here I used enviromental storytelling to tell  the player that you are not the first one they send here. 
The player are just one of many
clones that has been send on this mission. 

The Cruel world 

In the level the player can find NPCs that during conversations with them you start to learn more about how the world is. 


Companion Droid

Everytime the droid shoot it spawns a projectile that goes to where the linetrace hits


The dash is a launch character that is launching the same direction as the player is walking. 

Enemy Spawner

When the player enters the box collision the enemies spawns from the arrow. 

Pre - Production

Nier skiss.jpg
Space Planning

I started with doing a pen and papper sketch.  
After that I do a
rough blockout and doing iteration
When I´m done with that I iterated on until I was satisfied.


Skärmbild 2024-04-05 223442.png
Reference Pictures

I collected reference picture for how a New York Subway station looks like and I also did take some metrics to create more of believable area. I also collected pictures from destroyed cities from different places in the world. To get a more understanding of how a destroyed city looks like. So that I can create a more unique touch to it. 



Focus more on the plattform design

I should had focus more on the plattform sections in the levels and made them more fun to playthrough. 

Focus more on the AI 

I regret a lot that didn´t create more of a turn order system that tells the ai when they are allowed to attack the player. This would had made my combats a lot more clean. 

Features for the boss battle.

I had planned to add in more phases to the boss. Like I wanted the boss to jump up to the throne and spawn enemies that the player needs to fight. 
I also wanted to add in slam attack that spawn bubbles that can hurt the player


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